Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Eiffel tower with half moon

Eiffel tower with half moon
Originally uploaded by tamilian
Moon picture was taken in England.
Imported moon as a new layer.
Changed the moon colour with hue/saturation
Carefully selected the Eiffel tower using the pen tool. I used that selection as mask to the moon layer.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

orange boat

orange boat
Originally uploaded by tamilian

1. Reduced tint to enhance the green.
2. temperature set to shade
3. increased exposure to 2
4. No sharpness in raw conversion
5. All lens and sensor dirt were removed with clone and healing brush
6. water was selected and levels adjusted to make it dark and increase highlights.
7. Some of the distracting sticks were removed from the bank using clone and healing brush
8. Boat and its reflection were selected and feathered then warmed up with colour balance.
9. flattened image
10. using burn and dodge tool the contrast in the boat were enhanced.
11. color space changed to 'lab' and lightness channel selected. Sharpening with unsharp mask - adjusted threshold so that leaves do not get too much sharpening.
12. color space back to RGB
13. selective unsharp mask to boat - again threshold adjusted so that the dirt in the boat not enhanced but the major lines do.
That's it.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Originally uploaded by tamilian
This beautiful angel was in Louvre museum Paris.

1. Crop
2. Created a path using pen tool
3. Selected the path and brightened the statue slightly
4. Inverse selection and used levels to darken the background
5. Used cloning and healing brush tools to remove the dark patches on the marble statue.


Unedited version

Here is the edited version of the budgie. budgie
Originally uploaded by tamilian

narrow boat

narrow boat - view it large Originally uploaded by tamilian

Unedited version is above. Click the second image to view the edited version in flickr

I did a fair bit of editing to this simple picture.
I used adobe photoshop cs2 for editing.
1. I took this picture hand held so I had to crop it to make it 'straight' first. I used the bridge as my reference. I also used cropping to remove the distracting elements from the picture.
2. There was a cycylist on the left side path. He was a big distraction for the image, so i removed him using 'cloning'
3. The boat was very dark since it was under the bridge, I used 'levels' to brighten it and then used 'curves' to give it some contrast.
4. I sharpened the picture selectively.
5. I also enriched the saturation of the boat to bring out the blue colour and hide its scratches.
