orange boat
Originally uploaded by tamilian Editing:
1. Reduced tint to enhance the green.
2. temperature set to shade
3. increased exposure to 2
4. No sharpness in raw conversion
5. All lens and sensor dirt were removed with clone and healing brush
6. water was selected and levels adjusted to make it dark and increase highlights.
7. Some of the distracting sticks were removed from the bank using clone and healing brush
8. Boat and its reflection were selected and feathered then warmed up with colour balance.
9. flattened image
10. using burn and dodge tool the contrast in the boat were enhanced.
11. color space changed to 'lab' and lightness channel selected. Sharpening with unsharp mask - adjusted threshold so that leaves do not get too much sharpening.
12. color space back to RGB
13. selective unsharp mask to boat - again threshold adjusted so that the dirt in the boat not enhanced but the major lines do.
That's it.